Kleem Organics Retinol Cream

Our #3 Choice

Kleem Organics Retinol Cream claims to combat wrinkles and uneven skin texture. In this review, we investigate these claims by examining the formula of this product as well as detailing all you need to know before making a purchase.

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Coming in at number 3 on the list is Kleem Organics Retinol Cream. With a sleek bottle design and attractive price, we were excited to see what this formula would look like. Of course, Retinol is one of the main ingredients. This product uses 2.5% Retinol. While this high percentage of Retinol might attract you, it’s important to remember that 1% has been found to be effective in clinical studies and using a higher percentage will be rougher on your skin. The other key ingredients are Green Tea extract, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, and Jojoba oil. We liked that there are 5 active ingredients in this formula. However, aside from Retinol, we aren’t told any percentage amounts and therefore can’t know how effective each ingredient is. Unfortunately, this lack of transparency prevents us from being able to estimate if the moisturizing and skin-protecting ingredients are enough to help your skin manage this Retinol treatment.

That wasn’t the only place this product lacked transparency. Kleem Organics has a stamp on their product page that says “Dermatologically Tested.” We would have appreciated it if the study was accessible to the public so we could know more about the product. Another lack of transparency relates to Kleem’s satisfaction guarantee. Kleem claims to have a 100% satisfaction guarantee but their return policy is only for undamaged goods within 30 days of purchase. That doesn’t sound like much of a satisfaction guarantee if you ask us. Nevertheless, even if it has to be combined with other products, this product does have a lot of good qualities.


We've listed the active ingredients in order to give you an idea of how this formula works, but keep in mind that the concentrations of these ingredients are unknown. They are:

  • Retinol - for reducing dark spots and wrinkles as well as helping to brighten skin.
  • Green Tea Extract - for evening out discoloration and decreasing the signs of aging
  • Jojoba Oil - for moisturizing, fading dark spots, and helping skin to glow.
  • Vitamin E - for providing antioxidant qualities that reduce damage from UV rays.
  • Hyaluronic Acid - for moisturizing skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

How To Use

There is a 6-step explanation of how to apply Retinol Cream on the Kleem Organics website but we’ll sum it up nice and short for you here. Wash your face then apply a warm towel for 3 minutes. Apply a rejuvenating cream such as a Vitamin C serum. Wait 15 minutes. Using a pea-sized amount, smooth the cream over your face, starting first with your forehead then moving on to your nose, cheeks, chin, and neck. Combine with a moisturizer 10-20 minutes later, if needed.


The price for the Kleem Organics Retinol Cream is $32 for a 50ml/1.7 oz. bottle. This is a good price for Retinol Cream and there is a subscribe & save option for greater savings. However, we caution anyone considering a subscription to take into account that some companies make it nearly impossible to cancel and there’s only a 30-day return policy on this product. You should also take note that this is not an all-in-one cream and supplementing it with other creams will raise the amount that you spend on this.


Kleem Organics has a stamp for a 100% satisfaction guarantee. However, there are no further details and the refund policy only applies to undamaged products.


This product has a good list of ingredients with 5 of them categorized as active ingredients. The percentage of Retinol is quite high and due to a lack of transparency, we don’t know the percentages of the other ingredients. This product has been dermatologically tested according to Kleem Organics but the study is not available for potential customers. Taking into account the inability to see the label and the unclear satisfaction policy, we’re hesitant to invest our time and money, even though the majority of reviews are positive and it comes at a fair price.

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Alexia Cook

Alexia Cook, Senior Editor

Alexia Cook is a licensed Master Cosmetologist and Esthetician with over 20 years experience. She received her degrees from Boca Beauty Academy in Boca Raton, Florida. Starting at a young age, she has always been interested in treating skin to bring out its true beauty. She knows that the basis of gorgeous skin is adopting a proper skincare routine and using top quality products. Her passion for helping people find effective skincare products led her to the role of Editor for My Beauty Care Center™. In her free time, she is an avid traveler and loves learning the beauty of different cultures.